“I invented a musical bow made from rebar and piano wire in 1990 while in graduate school. I call my instrument a sounding bow. I invented the rumble organ in 1997 for a school residency to demonstrate sound propagation to eighth graders. I have used it most recently in an installation at the g-a-s-p gallery in Brookline MA. As with any new work, the intention here is create a whole greater than the sum of its parts.”

Landon Rose has been a working musician for a long time. He has played in professional bands – bluegrass, country, folk, R&B, GB, and originals. In his thirties he went back to school, earning an MA in Music from Wesleyan University. From 1994-2002 he was a member of Mobius Artists Group. In the 1990’s he developed a residency program – “Radio Show” – for 4th and 5th graders, using sound effect machines he built himself. Funded partly through the Massachusetts Arts Council, he worked in several Boston public elementary schools. For the past nine years he has worked as a music/video teacher in a small suburban private school. In his spare time he writes, and builds unique instruments. HinjNoiz is the name of the band, even if it is only himself. He recently recorded an album of sounding bow music, titled, simply, “HinjNoiz”.